How can I create Twitter application?

How can I create Twitter application?

If you would like the option to post to your website and automatically post to your Twitter page, you first will need to create a Twitter application. Once you have completed these steps by logging into your Twitter account you will need to send us the following information.

Application Name
API Secret
Twitter Username
Access Token
Access Token Secret

To create a twitter application, go to

Note : From July 2018, we need to apply for a developer account to create the twitter app.

Step 1: Apply for a developer account

For this please click on the “Apply for the developer account” and continue the process.

If you are a new developer, you can visit the link directly for creating the developer account.

Step 2:

Select the twitter account and click on Continue.

Step 3 :

Add your account details.

Here select the purpose, account name, country and click on continue.

Step 4 :

Describe the project.

Here describe the purpose and select the option and click on continue.

A sample description is given below.

I am using a WordPress plugin to publish posts automatically from blog to Twitter. 
The plugin requires Twitter App to publish posts from WordPress to Twitter. 
For this i must create an app and provide the app details such as API key,API secret,Access token and Access token secret.’
When a new post,custom post type or page is created at my WordPress site,it contains title,content,excerpt,images/videos etc. When click ‘publish’ button on right side of the post/page/custom post type. 
The new post/page/custom-post-type will be published in the website as well as on Twitter.

The plugin allow to pre fill the tweet content by allowing tweet formats such as POST_TITLE ,PERMALINK etc,which will be replaced by the blog post’s contents and also it attach image/video to the tweet as per settings.

Step 5 :

Accept terms and conditions and submit the application.

Step 6 :

Do the email verification.

Step 7 :

If you are already using an app, please edit each of the app and add a description of the app’s use.

Else go to Step 10.

Step 8 :

Click on the details button to add the details.

Step 9 :

You can enter the details and save it.

Step 10 :

Once the developer account get approved, you will get a mail from twitter. Then you can create a new app.

Step 11 :

Now in the developer welcome page we can select the create new app option.

Step 12 :

In the create app section we can add the App Name (It is name of the App), Application description, website url, and tell how the app is used. A sample description is given below.

I am using a WordPress plugin to publish posts automatically from blog to Twitter as simple text message or or as text messgae with image/video. 
The plugin requires Twitter App to publish posts from WordPress to Twitter. 
For this i must create an app and provide the app details such as API key,API secret,Access token and Access token secret.

After entering the details, click on the “Create” button.

Step 13 :

Review the terms and create the app.

Step 14 :

Now go to the “Keys and tokens” section.

Step 15 :

Click on the “Create” button under “Access token & access token secret” section.

Step 16 :

Now you will get the consumer API keys and Access token keys with secret keys.

Please use these keys in the plugin twitter settings section.

Step 17 :

Normally the permission of the app is “Read and Write”. If the permission is “Read only”, please edit the permission and make it “Read and Write”.

That’s it ! The app is now ready to use.

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