With FireCompanies.com, your new email account can be easily configured on your smartphone. Follow the instructions below to learn how to configure your email on an iPhone, or on an Android device.
There you will need to fill in the required information:
After that tap Next and you will have to fill in the details of the Incoming Mail Server:
Tap Next again and provide the same information as above for the Outgoing Mail Server and wait for the Mail app to confirm the information.
Finally, tap Save and your email will be added to your email account list.
As an alternative solution, you can use our Auto-configure Tool for iPhone to automatically configure your email to work with the Mail app on iOS.
Next, you will be able to choose the type of email account you will be using. We recommend the IMAP protocol because it will keep your messages on the server after you download them on a local device.
You will need to fill in your password and tap Next. Enter the incoming server settings:
When you complete filling in the information, tap Next and continue with the outgoing server settings.
Tap Next and choose the preferred sync frequency options. Lastly, press Next and your email account will be ready to use with your Android phone.